4-5-6 APRIL 2025
EFA (Ricard Fernández)

Ricard Fernández, born in Sabadell in 1976, has been signing the comics he writes and draws under the nickname Efa (the letter F for Fernández in Catalan) for 25 years.

He has published with some of the most important publishers on the Franco-Belgian market (Dupuis, Lombard, Delcourt, Vents d'Ouest, Futuropolis, Albin Michel, Bayard...), both with scriptwriters (Denis Lapière, JD Morvan, Virginie Ollagnier, Salva Rubio...) and with his own scripts. Some of his titles have been translated into a dozen countries. In 2018 he received a nomination for the Eisner Awards for his work on Monet: Itinerant of Light and this 2025, the comic book he also did with S. Rubio, Degas and Cassatt: The Dance of Solitude, was rewarded with a bronze medal at the International Manga Awards delivered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.

His first science fiction novel, Las máquinas del caos (Chaos Machines), was published in 2021, and in recent years he has dedicated himself to his dystopian comic Nocéano (Nocean) and to Stella Signata, a saga of space opera novels of which the first three volumes have already been published.

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Comic Barcelona

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