Graphic designer, illustrator, comic book author, gender studies researcher, lecturer (Autonomous University of Barcelona), columnist and comic book critic (Serra D'Or). Coordinator of publications. Exhibition curator. Activist for a feminist perspective on language. She is one of the first authors to bring an avant-garde and feminist perspective to the discourse of the new Spanish comic for adults.
In 1970 she began her career as an illustrator and comic book artist, publishing in Europe (London, I PC Magazines/ Scotland, DC Thompson/ Italy and Sweden). Since 1975 she has been a feminist author in many of the adult comics that emerged during the transition to democracy. She is currently publishing graphic novels: Mata Hari (Isla de Nabumbu, 2nd edition, 2023) and Moderna Secreta (Daughter of Morgana), Marmotilla editions, 2025.
In 2017 she finished her research with the thesis El cuerpo ocupado. Iconografías del cuerpo femenino como espacio de la transgresión masculina en el cómic. (The occupied body. Iconographies of the female body as a space of male transgression in comics - UB, 2017). The traveling exhibitions Mujeres cuerpo a cuerpo (Women body-to-body - Comic Strip Museum of Sant Cugat, 2019/ Tenerife, 2020) and Cossos que parlen (Talkin Bodies). Les representacions del cos en les autores del còmic espanyol (Representations of the Body in Female Spanish Comic Book Authors, 1910-2023) for the Museum Network of the Provincial Council of Barcelona (DIBA), and the theoretical book Desokupar el cuerpo (De-Okkupying the Body - Marmotilla, 2024).
She currently combines research, teaching, criticism and theoretical dissemination with illustration and comics. In this exhibition she presents her graphic novel Moderna Secreta (Daughter of Morgana) (Marmotilla editions, 2025), updated with new chapters.
FRIDAY, APRIL 4TH 17:00 h: Roundtable | COMIC UNIVERS : Q&A amb el Gran Premi del Saló 2024: Marika Vila. Modera: Mònica Rex Programming may be last-minute changes. |
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