Marina Sáez. (Barcelona, 1988)
An architect by training, she combines teaching in several schools in Barcelona with the creation of children's books.
Highlights include the editorial project with a gender perspective Rear Window (MTM, 2023) REL Award 2018 of the Laboratory of Art and Digital Culture of Tantàgora, and Special Mention in the BolognaRagazzi Awards 2025 of the Bologna Fair. El Museo Perdido (The Lost Museum - MTM, 2022) was Junceda Award 2023, finalist of the Bologna Fair 2023, selected among the best books of Catalan authorship 2022 by the OEPLI, as well as finalist of the Atrapallibres Award 2024. Se has also published Barrejacolors (MTM, 2021) and Bullying (Coni La Gotteria. Flamboyant, 2022).
Her first adult comic, Aguagim (Aquagym), received an honorable mention at the Finestres de Còmic en català 2022 and earned her the Antifaz de Autora Revelación award at the Salón del cómic de Valencia 2025.
At the same time, she illustrates for advertising campaigns and animations, is the soul of the mobile workshop of artistic creation La Taca and is part of the collective of community artistic production Pink Píxel Collective. She has exhibited her work in Barcelona, Athens, Berlin and Chicago.
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