4-5-6 APRIL 2025
Antonio Altarriba

Antonio Altarriba is interested in the visual aspects of writing and the narrative possibilities of the image. He is also interested in erotic literature.

He has written books on this subject, such as: Sobre literatura potencial (On Potential Literature - 1987), Comicsarías (1987), La España del tebeo (The Spain of comics - 2001, 2022), Tintin and the Pink Lotus (2007) or La paradoja del libertino (The Paradox of the Libertine - 2008), La narración figurativa (The Figurative Narration - 2022).

As a scriptwriter, he is the author of comic books such as Desfase (Phase Shift - 1986), Detective (1991), Amores locos (Mad Loves - 2005), El brillo del gato negro (The Glitter of the Black Cat - 2008), El arte de volar (The Art of Flying - 2009), El paso del tiempo (The passage of Time - 2011), Yo, asesino (Me, Murderer - 2014), El ala rota (The Broken Wing - 2016), El perdón y la furia (The Forgiveness and the Fury - 2017), Cuerpos del delito (Bodies of Crime - 2017), Yo, loco (Me, Madman - 2018), Yo, mentiroso (Me, Liar - 2021), El cielo en la cabeza (The Sky in the Head - 2023). He is also the author of photographic series collected in El elefante rubio (The Blonde Elephant - 2007) and Vida salvaje (Savage Life - 2008).

As a fiction writer, he has published El filo de la luna (The Edge of the Moon - 1993), Cuerpos entretejidos (Interwoven Bodies - 1996), La memoria de la nieve (The Memory of the Snow - 2002), and Maravilla en el país de las Alicias (Wonder in the Land of Alices - 2010).

His works have received numerous national and international awards and have been translated into seventeen languages. 


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