4-5-6 APRIL 2025
Iván Ledesma

Iván Ledesma is a writer and scriptwriter from Barcelona. For more than twenty-five years, he has dedicated himself to creative work and writing for all kinds of media: television, production companies, radios, event agencies, publishing houses...

He has written several adult-themed books such as 184 or Negorith, as well as graphic novels such as La vampira de Barcelona (The Vampire of Barcelona) and juvenile and children's books like Diario de Dan (Dan’s Diary) saga. He was also the screenwriter of successful films such as Xtremo or Awareness.

In 2017, Ledesma was awarded for his novel Negorith with the Joaquim Ruyra Award for juvenile narrative.

His latest work is titled A ambos lados del espejo (On Both Sides of the Mirror), a novel that shows the abuses of human relationships, the pain caused by missed opportunities and the rage for the stories that unfortunately exist, wrapped up in a fierce criticism of gender violence and our society.

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